"This app was created under the supervision of a psychiatrist."[Deep breathing assistant]In todays society, we face many stresses.We are often anxious, nervous, angry, and crying.Proper deep breathing helps regulate stress and emotion by activating the parasympathetic nervous system.Relieves anxiety and tensionWhen we are nervous and nervous, our sympathetic nervous system is activated.Excessive hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system leads to an increase in blood pressure, pulse rate, shallow and rapid breathing.In particular, when you are anxious, you often do not know your breathing and not exhale enough.In this case, by taking a deep breath to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, the body and mind are stabilized.Anger, crying, negative emotion controlWhen we are faced with an unexpected situation or wrong, we get angry and cry.These intense and negative emotions can overwhelm us.If we are overwhelmed by these feelings, we may eventually do something harmful to me. Drinking, binge eating, fighting badly with others ... and so on.But our intense feelings are like waves, and if you watch them over time, they will sink.So wait 2-3 minutes and tell them to act.Deep breathing prevents me from being overwhelmed by my feelings and automatically behaving unknowingly.Deep breathing, which focuses on your breathing and your bodys senses, gives you time to think reasonably enough.Increased quality of life, mindfulnessPaying attention to my breath and paying attention to my senses is one of the easiest ways to take care of my body and mind.Deep breathing is the most basic element of mindful meditation.By focusing on my breathing now and here, you can reduce the behaviors that have inadvertently caught you in your emotions, and you can be aware of the moment.Deep Breathing Assistant Application Description-Check the level of my negative feelings at the beginning, and once again after a deep breath.-Deep breath records are recorded up to the last 10, you can also check the graph.Deep breathing can be done in three ways.1) Deep breathing by touching: Inhale when you touch the screen and exhale when you release your hands. It is deep breathing to be able to match my breathing speed.2) Deep breathing while listening: Close your eyes and listen to the sound, breathe in the rising sound, and exhale in the falling sound. Because I open my eyes, it is a good deep breath to focus on my senses a little bit more.3) Deep breathing while watching: Inhale when the bar graph is high and exhale when it is low. The background color begins with a red color and changes to blue at the end of 10 deep breaths.-In addition to deep breathing touch the two deep breaths are set a little longer than exhalation.-You can select “Basic Deep Breathing” from the first screen of Deep Breathing in the Settings screen.